Periodicity: Bi Annual.
Impact Factor:
Submission:Any Time
Publisher: IIR Groups
Language: English
Review Process:
Double Blinded

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On an average time is 3 to 5 days from submission to first decision of manuscripts.

Double blind review and Plagiarism report ensure the originality

IJBI provides online manuscript tracking system.

Every issue of Journal of IJBI is available online from volume 1 issue 1 to the latest published issue with month and year.

Paper Submission:
Any Time
Review process:
One to Two week
Journal Publication:
June / December

IJCOA special issue invites the papers from the NATIONAL CONFERENCE, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, SEMINAR conducted by colleges, university, etc. The Group of paper will accept with some concession and will publish in IJBI website. For complete procedure, contact us at

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Table of Contents - Volume 4, Issue 2,2015
Machine Learning Approaches and its Challenges
Raj Mohan Kumaravel, Ilango Paramasivam
DOI - Crossref   |    Google Scholar  |   View Abstract  |
Delphi Adapted Fuzzy Associative Memories (DAFAM) as a Multiple Expert System and its Application to Study the Impacts of Climate Change on Environment
D.Ajay, A.Victor Devadoss, K.Sudha
DOI - Crossref   |    Google Scholar  |   View Abstract  |
GNH- Psychological Well-Being in Relation with Buddhism
Dawa Drakpa, Dhan Kumar Sunwar, Yeshi Choden
DOI - Crossref   |    Google Scholar  |   View Abstract  |
Thoughts and Happiness
R.Vicram, Dhan Kumar Sunwar, Yeshi Choden
DOI - Crossref   |    Google Scholar  |   View Abstract  |
Ecopsychology in Relationship between School Students and the Natural World
M. Raja, D. Carol, K. Mary Stella, A. Anthonyraj, M. Muthulakshmi
DOI - Crossref   |    Google Scholar  |   View Abstract  |
Effetcs of Suppressed Negative Emotions on Human Behaviour
M. Elizabeth Suganya, A. Victor Devadoss, A.Felix
DOI - Crossref   |    Google Scholar  |   View Abstract  |